Page 151 - (1999) Abadhah...
P. 151
S# roc qT DESC 3AST Etl D/N
3hildren's park Mal Shaira ponders on her life Shaira, Shara E D
2 Jewellery shop Vlal 3haira dreams of the rinq Shaira. Zule. Azra N
3 Rented room Mal Sinan faces furious landlord Sinan, Yunus N
Tea room Mal Shaira and friends have tea Shaira. Zule. Azra I D
3 Cloth shop Mal Sinan meets Ashraf Sinan, Ashraf D
Husenfulu sittinq room Mal Shehenaz returns home Shaira, Shehenaz, Jum, Hussenfulu D
7 Villinqili spot new r'il Shaira dreams of her prince charmino Shaira, Zule, Azra, Sinan, Rifa E D
Mal Shaira dines with Sinan Shaira. Sinan N
Restaurant 1
Cloth shop Mal Sinan on the ohone with Shaira Sinan D
10 Husenfulu. kitchen Vlal Shaira on the phone with Sinan Shaira D
11 Henveiru Thoshigandu Val Shaira and Sinan talks Shaira, Sinan E N
12 Husenfulusittinq room Vlal Sinan is introduced to Husenfulu Shaira. Sinan. Husenfulu D
44. Villinqili sppt new /il Sinan oives rino to Shaira Shaira, Sinan E D
14 Office Vlal Shaira shows her ring to friends Shaira. Zule. Azra D
Cloth shop \/al Husenfulu meets Sinan Sinan, Husenfulu E N
16 Reclaimed area Mal Husenfulu advices Sinan Sinan, Husenfulu E N
17 Husenfulu sittino room Vlal Husenfulu haves lunch with Shehenaz Shehenaz. Husenfulu. Jum D
18 Shaira room small Mal Husenfulu advices deoressed Shaira Shaira. Husenfulu D
19 Roof top Mal Shehenaz relates her story to Shaira Shaira. Shehenaz E D
20 Cloth shop Vlal Shaira tries to convince humiliated Sinan Shaira, Sinan, Zule, Azra
21 Rented room Vlal Sinan pours his heart out to Ashraf Sinan, Ashraf N
22 Roof top Mal Ashraf explains eveMhinq to Shaira Shaira, Zule, Azra, Ashraf E D
23 Cloth shop Mal Shaira learns Sinan has left the iob Shaira, Zule, Azra, Ashraf, sales boy D
24 Rented room Mal Shaira learns Sinan has left the room Shaira, Zule, Azra, Ashraf, Yunus E D
25 children's park Mal Shaira returns from flashback Shaira, Shara E D
26 Tailorinq room Mal Shaira meets Hussenfulu Shaira, Husenfulu N
27 Shaira room biq Mal Shaira ponders while Shara is sleeping Shaira, Shara N
ae Shaira room small Mal Shaira depressed Shaira D
29 Roof top Mal Husenfulu advices Shaira Shaira. Husenfulu E D
30 Office Mal Shaira's friends advices Shaira. Zule. Azra D
31 Restaurant 2 Mal Shaira gets advice from Hameed Shaira, Zule, Azra, Hameed N
'1.) Shaira room small Mal Shaira's friends advices to meet Hameed more Shaira, Zule. Azra
?? Husenfulu sittinq room Mal Shaira decides to marrv Hameed Shaira, Husenfulu, Shehenaz, Zule, Azra D
34 Open space Mal Shaira marries Hameed Shaira, Hameed, extra guests E N
?4 Hameed room Mal Shaira realizes Hameed is understandino Shaira. Hameed N
Beach of resort Res Hameed tries to help Shaira Shaira. Hameed E D
?7 KddVrnp lbllaa {atF Mal Shaira seeks advice from Shehenaz Shaira. Shehenaz E D
?q Hameed room Mal ihaira makes love to Hameed Shaira. Hameed N
?o Beach of resort Res Shaira unables to accept Hameed's qift Shaira, Hameed E D
40 Hameed room Mal ihaira tells friends of preonancv/ Shaira is runq Shaira. Zule. Azra D/N
41 room Mal Shaira visits Hameed's bodv Shaira, Husenfulu, Hameed, oldman, extras N
Shaira room biq Mal Shaira is called bv Shara Shaira, Shara N
43 r'illinqili spot old vil Shaira visits the spot after 6 vears Shaira. Shara E D
44 Husenfulu sittinq room Mal Shehenaz helps 7 months preqenant Shaira Shaira. Shehenaz D
lospital delivery room Mal 3haira delivers/ babv is besides her Shaira, Shehenaz, nurse N
6 Shaira room biq Mal Shaira breast feeds babv Shaira, Shehen az, Zule, Azra l
47 Husenfulu sitting room Mal iveryone plavinq with a vear old Shara Shaira, Shehenaz, Husenfulu )
I old lVil lSinan returns to Shaira Shaira. Sinan. Shara
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