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ฉบับพิเศษ ประจำ�ปี 2564

            have the same scope as that in the public procedure.  The implication of the case can
            be inferred as that subsidiary can now be brought into action for damages of the

            infringement committed by its parent company. The preliminary reference from the
            Spanish Court on 3 December 2019 in Case C-882/19 Sumal S.L. vs Mercedes Benz

            Trucks España, S.L concerns with the exact question, whether a subsidiary could be
            held liable for its parent company antitrust infringement according to the single economic
            entity doctrine.

                      II. The notion of undertaking in EU competition law

                    Undertaking as a single economic entity
                    In EU competition law, the undertaking is identified as the entity responsible

            for any anticompetitive conducts. The exact definition of the concept is nowhere indicated
            in the TFEU. However, it emerged from the CJEU case law.  It can be observed that
            the CJEU applies an economic approach when determining the scope of the undertaking.

            Therefore, legal personality is irrelevant when considering whether various entities,
            even though having separate legal personalities, belong in the same undertaking subject

            to competition provisions or not.  In that sense, The CJEU, along with The Commission,
            determine that a parent company and subsidiary constitute a single economic entity,
            and the former could be liable for the infringement of the competition law committed

            by the latter.  In addition, the CJEU also mentions the parent company’s power to exert
            decisive influence, granting the ability to control over its subsidiary in order to establish

                    7  Case C-724/17 Vantaan kaupunki v Skanska Industrial Solutions Oy and Others ECLI:EU:C:2019:204
                    8  Florence Thépot, The Interaction Between Competition Law and Corporate Governance - Opening the
            ‘Black Box’ (Cambridge University Press 2019) p.34
                    9  Jaime Folguera, Edurne Navarro, Competition Law Infringements: Has the Application of the Parental
            Liability Doctrine Gone Too Far? (2018) Festschrift für Dirk Schroeder. Europäisches, deutsches und internationales
            Kartellrecht. Juliane Kokott (Herausgeber), Petra Pohlmann (Herausgeber), Romina Polley (Herausgeber). Köln:
            Otto Schmidt KG, p.578
                    10  Case 48/69 Imperial Chemical Industries (ICI) v the Commission ECLI:EU:C:1972:70, Joined Cases
            C231/11 P to C233/11 P Siemens AG Österreich supra (n.3), Case C-625/13 P. Villeroy & Boch AG v Commission.

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