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ฉบับพิเศษ ประจำ�ปี 2564

            in action for damages.  To ensure the full effectiveness and deterrent effect, the ECJ
            held that the concept of undertakings in Article 101 TFEU in action for damages could

            not have a different scope with regard to the public enforcement such as the imposition
            of fines by the Commission under Article 23(2) of Regulation No 1/2003.

                    The implication of the case law

                    At first glance, the ECJ in Skanska renders the principle of economic continuity,
            which is a well-establish principle of EU competition law in public enforcement,
            applicable in action for damages in private enforcement. However, with thorough

            consideration, the decision of the ECJ in Skanska potentially leads to a significant impact
            on future private litigation in the EU competition law field. That is to say, by stating
            that the notion of undertaking in Article 101 TFEU is to be directly applicable in action

            for damages, the attribution of liability regarding the single economic entity doctrine,
            such as the principle of parental liability, would consequently be applied in private
            litigation. 43

                    As discussed earlier, the principle of parental liability in EU competition law

            relies strongly, if not entirely, on the notion of the undertaking. When considering
            the objective to attribute subsidiaries competition liability to their parent company,
            the primary purpose is to ensure deterrence effect.  Holding a parent company jointly
            and severally liable along with the subsidiary leads to the increasing amount of fine that

                    41  Ibid, para 28
                    42  Ibid, para 43-47
                    43  Tatiana Siakka, Case C-724/17 Vantaan kaupunki v Skanska Industrial Solutions: Transposition of the
            Concept of an ‘Undertaking’ into Civil Damages Actions (2019) Journal of European Competition Law & Practice,
            2019, Vol. 10, No. 8; Vasiliki Fasoula Extending the Principle of Economic Continuity to Private Enforcement of
            Competition Law. What Lies Ahead for Corporate Restructuring and Civil Damages Proceedings after Skanska:
            Case Comment to the Judgement of the Court of Justice of 14 March 2019 Skanska Industrial Solutions and Others
            (Case C-724/17) (2019), 20 YARS 259;
                    44  C-521/09 P - Elf Aquitaine v Commission ECLI:EU:C:2011:620 para 59, “…. the importance of
            the objective of combatting conduct contrary to the competition rules, in particular to Article 101 TFEU, and of
            preventing a repetition of such conduct…”, see also Carsten Koenig, An economic analysis of the single economic
            entity doctrine, supra (n.18); European Commission, Guidelines on the method of setting fines imposed pursuant to
            Art. 23(2)(a) of Regulation No 1/2003, OJ 2006  C 210/2, para 4

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