Page 94 - วารสารกฎหมาย ศาลอุทธรณ์คดีชํานัญพิเศษ
P. 94

วารสารกฎหมาย ศาลอุทธรณ์คดีชำานัญพิเศษ

                    office again and this time he was told that winter is going to be the coldest on
                    record. The chief being part concerned and curious then asked, ‘How can you

                    be so sure?’ to which the meteorologist replied, ‘The local Native Americans
                    are collecting wood like crazy’.

                                                                              [Emphasis added]

                    On 23 March 2016, Microsoft released Tay, an AI chatterbot that was supposed

            to mimic a 19-year old American girl learning and interacting with human users of
            Twitter. However, within 16 hours of its release, Tay had to be taken down as it started
            posting offensive and inflammatory tweets instead of fulfilling its intended purposes as

            a scientific attempt to create the AI of an innocent and conversational bot eager to learn
            from human. According to a statement by Microsoft, Tay’s horrendous behaviour was
            blamed on a ‘coordinated attack by a subset of people exploited a vulnerability in Tay’

            and it would appear that this was the result of an exploitation of the chatbot’s ‘repeat
            after me’ function,  in other words, Tay’s misbehaviour was consequent to it been taught
            all the wrong things by humans. An algorithm is a reflection of what we want it to be,
            as well as the data we feed it with. According to some AI thinkers and researchers,
            many of the key algorithms that affect public life are also considered proprietary or

            trade secrets. Consequently, ‘such opaque, uninformed understanding of algorithms
            impedes intelligent public discourse on their shortcomings.’  Must algorithms be open
            to public scrutiny, validation or verification? If so, how will it be regulated, by who and

            according to what standard?

                    It is also worthwhile considering the case of Catalina v Norma  involving
            a Portuguese owned vessel, Catalina. The sole arbitrator was heard by the parties saying
            that ‘Italians are liars and so as the Portuguese’ whereas the other party being Norwegians

                    19  Abby Ohlheiser, “Trolls Turned Tay, Microsoft’s Fun Millennial AI Bot, into a Genocidal Maniac’
            Washington Post (Washington, 25 March 2016) <
            the-internet-turned-tay-microsofts-fun-millennial-ai-bot-into-a-genocidal-maniac/> accessed 23 March 2021
                    20  Osonde Osoba, ‘An Intelligence in Our Image: The Risks of Bias and Errors in Artificial Intelligence’
            (n 10) 6.
                    21  61 Lloyd’s Law Reports 360 et seq (1938)

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