Page 4 - June 2, 2017
P. 4

Nerd Nation

              Let’s Clean Those Gutters!                                        Memories of a Fanime Convention

                     Storm Preparation / Cleaning                         By Matthew Lindsay    characters based on         Wars, and so many other
                      Front / Backyard Clean ups                                                movies, television shows,   fandoms covered the
                          Shed / Deck Removal                         For those of you who      videogames, comics, and     front and were swarming
                                                                   don’t know, the area         other pop cultures. Maybe   to get inside. And inside
               7 Days (408) 849-3134                               of San Jose, California      it is for a panel where     was even bigger than

                                                                   is never known to            you can meet a famous       the outside with tons of
                                                                   house many events or         person or group, or maybe  stores, food, artists, guest
                                                                   conventions for those        it is simply to meet new    speakers, videogame
                                                                   who are more into the        people and form both        tournaments, a full blown
                                                                   comic books, anime/          business and personal       arcade…this place was a
                                                                   manga, or other “nerdy”      friendships while grabbing  dream come true for a guy
                                                                   hobbies. But over the        some sweet merchandise      like me!
                                                                   last few years, Memorial     and other apparel.             By the time it was over,
                                                                   Day Weekend has graced         Myself? I go for more     Fanime had given me:
                                                                   those in and around the      personal reasons.           new fandoms to enjoy and
                                                                   area with a certain special    Three years ago           delve into, new friends
                                                                   convention for fans of all   was my first Fanime         who I still keep in touch
                                                                   ages, sizes, and geekdoms    experience. My sister had   with, an experience of
                                                                   to meet up and enjoy their   bought me a ticket for      having seventy people line
                                                                   passions.                    my birthday and I took a    dance to the videogame
                                                                      The Fanime convention     few days off of school to   “Just Dance” for four
                                                                   is something to look         make sure I would be able   hours straight, a chance
                                                                   forward to attending every   to attend. Upon stepping    meeting with one of my
                                                                   year for various reasons.    onto the first step of the   favorite Youtubers (The
                                                                   One is because it is one     San Jose Convention         Nostalgia Critic), and
                                                                   of the few conventions       Center, I could not         also gave me a personal
              Cosplay of The Joker       Cosplay of Ganondorf      that pop up for people       believe just how many       feeling of kindred spirits
                  from Batman            from Legend of Zelda      to experience and enjoy.     different individuals were   with everyone who was
           Photo by Matthew Linsday    Photo by Matthew Linsday                                 attending. Cosplays from    there.
                                                                   Another is due to seeing
                                                                   people dressed up in         Five Nights at Freddy’s,       In short, Fanime gave
                                                                   elaborate costumes of        Legend of Zelda, Star       me memories I would

             Cosplay of Yang (left) and Wiess (Right) from RWBY                          Just Dance Tournament in the Gaming Hall
                     Photo Courtesy of Matthew Linsday                                      Photo Courtesy of Matthew Linsday

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