Page 12 - June 2, 2017
P. 12
This Day In History: June 2nd
Special Assignment - Amanda Faris, Graphic Design Director
1953 - England Queen Elizabeth II Following the death of her father
926 - Murakami, Emperor of Japan Queen Elizabeth II is formally crowned as The Queen in England with
(d. 967) hundreds of millions listening on radio and for the first time watched the
1624 - Jan III Sobieski, King of Poland proceedings on live television. After the coronation ceremony in Westminster
(1674-96) Abbey , millions of rain-drenched spectators cheered the 27-year-old queen
1740 - Marquis de Sade French born in 1926 and her husband, the 30-year-old duke of Edinburgh, as they
philosopher and writer. passed along a five-mile procession route in a gilded horse-drawn carriage.
1815 - Philip Kearny, Major General 1935 - U.S.A. Babe Ruth Retires Babe Ruth, retires ending his Major
(Union volunteers), (d. 1862) League playing career after 22 seasons, 10 World Series and 714 home runs.
1824 - Samuel Wilks, British Physician 1924 - U.S.A. Indian Citizenship Act The Indian Citizenship Act, which
and founding father of clinical science confers citizenship on all Native Americans born within the territorial limits of
1835 - Pius X, [Giuseppe Sarto], the country is passed in Congress.
257th Roman Catholic pope (1903-14) 1924 - Canada Japanese Immigrants The Canadian government
1857 - Edward William Elgar, English considers making an agreement with Japan that would essentially ban the
composer (Pomp & Circumstance) majority of Japanese immigrants coming into the country. The Canadian
1869 - Jack O’Connor, baseball player government would permit a total of 150 Japanese immigrants to come into he
(d. 1937) country each year to work as farm laborers or household servants.
1879 - Adolf Herckenrath, Flemish 1931 - France Suspension Bridge Collapses Ten people were killed in
playwright/poet (Avondvlam) France during the testing of a new suspension bridge that was built. Nine
1901 - Michael Todd, producer trucks fell into the Gironde river when the bridge collapsed at its opening. The
(Around the World in 80 Days) builder of the bridge was included among the dead.
1913 - Barbara Pym, romantic author 1949 - U.S.A. Uranium-235 Missing An atomic bottle holding one ounce of
(Very Private Eye), (d. 1980) uranium-235 that was missing was found. Seven-eighths of the uranium-235
1915 - Walter Tetley, American that was in the bottle was accounted for, while one-eighth was still missing.
animation voice (Sherman-Bullwinkle The laboratory in Chicago which originally lost the bottle reported it lost in
Show) February.
1920 - Michael James O’Hehir, 1965 - Vietnam Australian Troops Arrive The first contingent of Australian
commentator/journalist combat troops arrives by plane in Saigon as Australia takes a more active role
1922 - Charlie Sifford, American in the Vietnam War.
professional golfer 1972 - U.S.A. Plane Hijack In Reno, Nevada a United Airlines jet was
1927 - Phillip Burton, historian hijacked by one man. He demanded a $200,000 ransom while the plane
(Vanishing Eagles) remained grounded. His only hostages were crew members since passengers
1935 - Dimitri Kitsikis, Greek had not boarded yet.
turkologist 1987 - U.S.A. Alan Greenspan President Ronald Reagan announced
1941 - Charlie Watts, drummer he was nominating economist Alan Greenspan to succeed Paul Volcker
(Rolling Stones) as chairman of the Federal Reserve Board. He retired from the position on
1951 - Gilbert Baker, American gay January 31st, 2006, handing over the chairmanship to Ben Bernanke.
activist, designed the rainbow flag 1997 - U.S.A. Timothy McVeigh Timothy McVeigh, a former U.S. Army
1957 - King Lizzard, American soldier, is convicted on 15 counts of murder for his role in the 1995 terrorist
entertainer and songwriter bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City.
1970 - Marty Mcinnis, Weymouth, 2002 - U.S.A. FBI Expanded Powers The US Attorney General John
NHL left wing (NY Islanders) Ashcroft has defended the FBI expanded investigative powers to monitor the
1972 - Wayne Brady, American actor activities of people and organisations suspected of plotting terrorist acts. FBI
and comedian (The Wayne Brady Show, agents will now be able to monitor people at any public event or place if they
Whose Line Is It Anyway?) suspect a terrorist plot without seeking approval from FBI headquarters.
1980 - Abby Wambach, American 2002 - U.S.A. End of Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) treaty The United
Soccer player (world record for States has formally withdrawn from the Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) treaty
international goals) signed in 1972 by the US and the then Soviet Union. President George W
1983 - Christopher Higgins, American Bush has said the ABM treaty is an outdated relic of the Cold War
ice hockey player