Page 100 - PDP Manifesto 2018
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7. Environment and Sustainable
Environment is one of the four pillars of Gross National Happiness (GNH) and Bhutan has always prioritized conservation of the environment. Our Constitution, Article 5.3, mandates that “a minimum of sixty percent of Bhutan’s total land shall
be maintained under forest cover for
all time.” We still have 71% of our land area under forest cover of which 51.4%, accounting to 16,396 sq. km, as protected areas; 8.6% as ecological corridors; and the royal botanical parks constitute another 0.1%. Bhutan is also a biodiversity hotspot with over 6,000 species of plants and approximately 1,900 species of animals.
We shall give full priority to conserve our natural environment and ensure that the institutional capacities are strengthened to undertake systematic evaluation
of development projects to ensure development with minimal impact on environment. Bhutan has ventured into innovative  nancing mechanisms with initiation of funds such as Bhutan for Life and Bhutan Trust Fund for Environment Conservation (BTFEC).  e PDP will continue to invest in such programs to strengthen our e orts to conserve the environment.
We shall ensure that Bhutan’s forest cover is over 60% for all times to come. We shall initiate a major reforestation program over the next  ve years. We shall initiate a special program called Livelihood Choices for Marginalized Farmers.
We shall promote Climate Resilient Livestock Farming.
We shall adopt Climate Smart irrigation and water e cient technologies. We shall prioritize the development of community seed bank.
We shall explore forest  re incidence reduction options.
We shall update the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) on Climate change. To encourage community based adaptation plans to address climate change, we shall come up with the Urban Ecosystem Based Adaptation plans.
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