Page 98 - PDP Manifesto 2018
P. 98
6.7 Public Service Delivery
Providing easy, e cient and fast public service is a major priority for People’s Democratic Party. Improving public service delivery has been at the heart of PDP government’s agenda in the past ve years. We have made huge progress in making public services easily available through automation, mobile apps and online platforms. Over hundred Government-to- Citizen (G2C) services can now be availed through di erent technology platforms
and community centers in the gewogs. We have also made e orts in reducing the turn around time for service delivery. We also introduced the Government Performance Management System to make civil servants
and service providers accountable.
Building on this record, PDP will further enhance and streamline public service delivery through policy reforms, and creative, integrated service delivery solutions. We recognize that despite
major reforms, there is still a lot of work
to be done to change the way our public service providers function. is would require major re-engineering of service delivery processes and standards. e delivery of basic G2C services needs to
be decentralized to improve access to public services. Our public service delivery system must be modeled on citizen-centric approach to meet the expectations of our people.
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We shall empower Public Services & Grievances Redressal Division (erstwhile G2C O ce) under the Cabinet Secretariat to take the lead role in streamlining public service processes.
We shall reduce the turn around time for all G2C services.
We shall establish Dzongkhag Information and Service Center to facilitate provision of integrated public service delivery.
A major portion of public services shall be decentralized to the Local Governments mainly gewog administration to enhance easy access and fast delivery.
We shall encourage all public service providers to set minimum standards and targets like waiting time. The service providers have to improv e on this minimum standard over time.