Page 97 - PDP Manifesto 2018
P. 97

mechanisms. Disaster mapping exercise will be periodically undertaken to assess risks and develop appropriate response mechanisms.
We shall establish the National Incident Command System to ensure proper coordination and communication during national disasters and emergencies.
We shall appoint fulltime Disaster Management O cers in Dzongkhags to facilitate disaster preparedness and response.
We shall strengthen the disaster response capacity of emergency service agencies at all levels through capacity development and provision of latest equipment and technology.
We shall review and put in place strong guidelines to make our public institutions such as schools and hospitals safe.
We shall allocate a separate contingency budget for recovery and reconstruction to enable communities a ected by disasters to become resilient.
We shall ensure that disaster mitigation and response are mainstreamed in policies across all sectors.
We shall assess the risks associated with critical landslides around the country and implement appropriate measures.
We shall assess the impacts of forest  res and enhance our e orts to reduce forest  res.
We shall enhance and expand  ood warning systems across all major river systems.
We shall provide additional excavators to larger dzongkhags.
We shall develop a modality to use helicopter services during disasters.

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