Page 95 - PDP Manifesto 2018
P. 95
evacuation and for swift response during disaster emergencies.
We shall build a communal warehouse in every gewog to facilitate storage of agricultural produce and trade.
We shall construct an integrated meeting hall in every chiwog to provide space for public gathering and community events and activities.
We shall build an Early Childcare and Development (ECCD) center in every chiwog to provide a congenial learning environment for children.
We shall ensure every gewog has a fuel depot and a farm shop.
We shall introduce Guaranteed Buy-back Scheme of agricultural produce to purchase farm produce and facilitate agriculture trade and business.
We shall establish a waste management unit in every gewog.
We shall provide an additional power tiller to every chiwog to ensure a minimum of two power tillers in every chiwog.
We shall establish an automobile workshop in every gewog to facilitate timely repair, maintenance and servicing of vehicles.
We shall establish repair centers for power tillers and farm machineries in every gewog.
In order to take nancial and banking services to the rural doorstep, every gewog shall have a gewog bank.
We shall ensure that all Gewog Center roads are properly maintained.
We shall ensure all major farm roads at least have a base course (if not blacktopped) and proper drainage system to ensure the roads are pliable throughout the year.
We shall connect all chiwogs with farm roads by end of 2023.
We shall ensure that every BHU has one doctor, two nurses and suitable number of technicians.
Every BHU shall have a minimum healthcare facility and treatment services such as OT facilities for minor operations, X-ray, ultra-sound, and blood-