Page 116 - PDP Manifesto 2018
P. 116
9.5 One-Gewog-One-Product (OGOP) Program
Despite notable improvements in the agriculture sector, there are still a lot of challenges. A lot needs to be done to create e ective and e cient linkages between
the farmers and the market. Agriculture is plagued with poor quality, low volume, poor market network and non-use of
technology. is calls for development of value chain systems for products of small- scale farmers. Today, 80 gewogs in the country have OGOP products. e PDP will upscale it and take it to all the 205 gewogs in the country.
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We shall ensure every gewog to come up with a product that can be marketed within and outside the country.
We shall introduce buy-back schemes in rural areas to encourage and enhance agricultural productivity, and trade and business.
We shall focus on creating value chain enterprises and improve diversi cation, marketing and distribution of agricultural produce and products.
We shall provide support for production, processing, packaging and labeling, standard setting and marketing of products.
We shall prioritize capacity development of producers to enable them to develop products for both the national and the international markets.
We shall provide technology support in production and post-production of agricultural products.
We shall support existing agriculture groups and cooperatives and promote new groups and cooperatives.