Page 118 - PDP Manifesto 2018
P. 118
9.7 Tourism
Tourism is the biggest service industry
in Bhutan and it generates signi cant volume of foreign currency and contributes immensely to national revenue. It provides employment to a signi cant number of people and its bene ts are cross sectional from tour operators to farmhouse owners to people engaged in providing trekking services. e policy of ‘high value, low impact’ tourism has been inspired by our development philosophy of Gross National Happiness, which positively highlights our national culture.
e tourism industry also o ers a wonderful opportunity to brand Bhutan as a credible and premier tourist destination
in the world. e PDP is fully aware of the opportunities of the tourism sector and is committed to capitalize from the industry.
However, there are major challenges in the industry. e districts of Paro, imphu, Punakha, Wangdue and Bumthang are
the major bene ciaries of the industry. Seasonality is another major issue, with tourist arrivals concentrated in Spring and Autumn. Moreover, 80% of the tourists visit Bhutan on cultural tours, amplifying the need to diversify tourism products. ere is also a need to build tourism infrastructure in the eastern, northern and southern parts of the country to promote tourism in these parts of the country.
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We shall designate industry status to tourism sector to facilitate access to business nances and business promotion.
We shall work towards enacting a Tourism Act in close consultation with all stakeholders.
We shall develop and promote tourism assets such as tangible and intangible heritages.
We shall open up all dzongkhags to tourism.
We shall open the southern gateways to facilitate arrival and departure of tourists.