Page 120 - PDP Manifesto 2018
P. 120

9.8 Organic Bhutan
Bhutan has a geographically challenged landscape with only 2.93% of its total land area under cultivation. But agriculture
is still the primary sector in Bhutan supporting majority of the population.  e traditional farm practices are largely subsistence in nature and e orts toward commercialization of agriculture have begun very recently. However, Bhutan remains largely organic. Of the total area under cultivation, only 6% uses chemical fertilizer in Bhutan.  is is primarily because Bhutan has always prioritized organic agriculture.
Taking Bhutan’s commitment to go organic onto the global stage, Bhutan pledged to the world to go 100% organic by 2020 and
this declaration was made at the Rio+20 Sustainable Development conference
in 2012 in Brazil. Bhutan followed up on its commitment by coming up with appropriate legislations and strategic policies.  e Economic Development Policy 2016 recognizes agriculture as one of the  ve jewels for economic development.
We strongly believe that Bhutan has huge potential to go completely organic which will complement objectives to enhance food security and livelihood by creating opportunities in the agriculture sector.  us, the PDP has underscored Organic Bhutan as a  agship program for the next  ve years.
We shall ensure that the entire country goes fully organic.
Each dzongkhag shall identify priority organic produce or products and the dzongkhags will pursue commercial farming of the identi ed products/produce. We shall support local organic production through access and availability to organic farm inputs.
We shall improve access and availability to organic seeds, bio-pesticides, bio- fertilizers, feed and fodder and replace pesticides with bio pesticides.
We shall upscale the Bhutan Organic Regulation and Certi cation System.
We shall facilitate the certi cation of products at the local, national and
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