Page 12 - PDP Manifesto 2018
P. 12

times to come as a gi  from the golden throne. We will set the highest standard
in healthcare with trained and motivated workforce and modern healthcare facilities, to provide reliable, quality and equal care. We aim to double the Health Trust Fund to Nu 4 billion in the next  ve years to ensure that our healthcare remains sustainable and free for all times to come.
We will establish two additional referral hospitals in the country and empower
all referral hospitals to refer patients abroad. We will institute a welfare o ce
in every regional and referral hospitals to provide assistance to poor patients and the families of the dead. We will strengthen JDWRNH with greater autonomy and  nancial resources to improve the quality of healthcare services.
We will ensure every district hospital
has at least one medical specialist, one Gynecologist, and three doctors along
with adequate nurses and technicians. All district hospitals would be equipped with diagnostic facilities and treatment services such as proper OT facilities, X-ray, ECG, lab facilities, dental and blood bank etc. We will establish a mobile clinic unit in every district hospital to periodically reach healthcare services to remote communities, elderly citizens and people in retreats. In addition, we will initiate special mobile health camps providing comprehensive diagnostic services (such as endoscopy) in
rural villages.
Given the signi cance of BHUs, we will appoint one doctor, two nurses and suitable number of technicians in every BHU. Every BHU would be equipped
with minimum healthcare facility and treatment services such as OT facilities for minor operations, X-ray, ultra-sound, and blood-testing facilities. We will provide one ambulance to every gewog. We will expand health Outreach Clinics (ORC) to chiwog and village level.
To meet the increasing HR needs in
the heath sector, we will enhance post- graduate and specialization programs at the Khesar Gyalpo University of Medical Sciences of Bhutan (KGUMSB). We will start MBBS program at KGUMSB and increase international scholarships for MBBS students.
We will make JDWNRH into a ‘Super Specialist’ hospital. In particular, JDWNRH will o er tertiary services in ENT, Ophthalmology, mother and child services, organ transplant, and Oncology. To facilitate JDWNRH to become a super specialist hospital, we will build one new referral hospital in  imphu.
4. Education That Matters
Education is at the heart of PDP’s agenda. We have designed a cradle-to-college plan that emphasizes on early childcare and
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