Page 13 - PDP Manifesto 2018
P. 13

12 MANIFESTO : 2018
development and lifelong learning through schools to colleges, and therea er.
We will establish a central school in every gewog. Currently, there are 63 central schools. We will not close down any school. Instead, we will provide central school facilities to all primary schools. We will provide day meals in all schools in the country. We will establish Early Childcare and Development (ECCD) center in all 1,044 chiwogs in the country.
We will establish one Special Education Needs School in every dzongkhag to provide equal access to education for children with learning di culties and special needs. We will establish three schools specialized in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM); two schools specialized in promotion
of performing arts; and three sports academies to promote sports.
We will set up smart classrooms and intensify ICT in teaching-learning process and ICT integrated teaching pedagogy
and connect all schools with high-speed Internet connectivity. We will provide one laptop for every teacher. We will declare Saturdays as o  days for schools, allowing them to pursue enrichment programs.
On top of that, we will reduce teacher workload through one-teacher-one-subject policy and 18 hours contact teaching in a week. We will appoint Dzongkha language
teachers in missions abroad and in places where there is high concentration of Bhutanese.
5. An Effective Civil Service
 e civil service continues to play a major role in implementing development plans and activities and in the delivery of critical public services to the people.  e PDP recognizes the important role of the civil service machinery and the contribution of the civil servants.
We will initiate a ordable housing program leading up to homeownership for civil servants. We will raise the vehicle quota from Nu 800,000 to Nu 1,500,000 and provide one-time vehicle quota of Nu 1,500,000 to civil servants who are not eligible for vehicle quota. We will raise TA/ DA and mileage for civil servants in the lower category and make it equal across the board.
We will introduce retirement bene ts and pension and PF schemes for ESP/GSP level civil servants. We will raise the salaries of the civil servants and ensure that the pay revision bene ts mid and lower level civil servants the most. We will establish crèche services in government o ces to cater to the needs of parents with toddlers and babies. We will review and raise the salaries and bene ts of the corporate sector.

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