Page 123 - PDP Manifesto 2018
P. 123

122 MANIFESTO : 2018
9.10 Rural Enterprise Program
PDP’s ideology of Wangtse Chhirpel
is to empower people and the party’s commitment is to empower people economically, politically, and socially. For economic empowerment, the PDP strongly believes in creating opportunities for our rural people. It is with this objective that the PDP has identi ed rural enterprise
as a  agship program.  e  agship program is a multifaceted initiative that will promote and create opportunities for rural enterprises. It shall include cottage and small industries and all areas in the primary sector, which comprises the Renewable Natural Resources (RNR) sector, Agricultural sector, and Livestock and Forestry sectors.
 e Rural Enterprise Program would
be crucial to upli  the lives of 69% of
the Bhutanese population living in rural areas that depend mainly on agriculture for livelihood. Our rural enterprises face new challenges due to increasing imports because of globalization and free trade. Limited access to modern technology
and inadequate capital and resources compounded with the realities of limited capacity, low skill and low production volume have sti ed the competitiveness of our agriculture produce and products. But with modern amenities reaching rural communities, there are also opportunities that need to be tapped.
We shall initiate the RNR Enterprise Development Program (RNR-EDP) to facilitate all enterprises engaged in RNR-related business.
The RNR-EDP shall facilitate greater investment and more private sector participation to create a vibrant agro-industry in the country.
Priority shall be given to agro-businesses that are involved in value addition. We shall provide  nancial support to all the enterprises that will be established under the aegis of this  agship program.
We shall set up a Division called RNR Agri-Business Development Division under

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