Page 125 - PDP Manifesto 2018
P. 125
124 MANIFESTO : 2018
We shall enhance food availability and su ciency for the poor by providing easy access to cheap farm machinery, quality seeds, and regular monitoring and guidance.
We shall promote SMEs and CSIs in rural areas with a focus on valued added agri-businesses.
We shall initiate One-Gewog-One-Product (OGOP) program under a special agship program.
We shall facilitate access to nance for businesses that promote local economy, jobs creation and value addition.
We shall prioritize the integration of local enterprises and communities in the tourism industry.
We shall enhance Priority Sector Lending (PSL) program for youth, farmers’ groups and community based organizations.
We shall establish a bank in every gewog to take nancial and banking services to the rural doorstep.
We shall expand the already existing subsidies and support schemes available to farmers in the agricultural sector.
We shall ensure that all Gewog Center roads are properly maintained and all major farm roads at least have a base course (if not blacktopped) to ensure the roads are pliable throughout the year.
We shall expand and diversify loan schemes of REDCL to promote entrepreneurship.