Page 31 - PDP Manifesto 2018
P. 31

30 MANIFESTO : 2018
upholding the rule of law.
1.4 Fearless ACC
 e Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC), since its inception in 2006, has embraced an uphill battle to  ght all kinds of corruption in Bhutan. Despite insurmountable challenges, the ACC has been steadfast in its mandate to root out corruption. It has taken up cases of all nature, from small cases to investigating policy corruption, cases involving private individuals to ministers.  e ACC has not deterred in its duty, reinforcing people’s faith in the institution time and again.
1.5 Strong Election Commission
 e Election Commission of Bhutan (ECB) has successfully overseen two parliamentary elections in 2008 and
2013 including two Local Government elections. It is well poised to oversee the third elections in 2018. All these elections have been successful, impressing locals and the international community.  e ECB has functioned with integrity, ensuring free and fair elections and strengthening the credibility of democratic process.
1.6 Resilient Private Sector
 e private sector is the backbone of
our economy. A er democracy in 2008, the private sector has experienced turbulent times with the rupee crisis, the construction industry coming to a halt,
The People’s Democratic Party applauds all our
institutions in upholding
the highest values of democracy and making
our Constitution a living document.Our party shall continue to support and further strengthen all our democratic institutions for a harmonious, prosperous and just Bhutan.
major upheavals in foreign exchange and unfavorable  nancial climate. But the private sector has braved all challenges and continues to grow. Despite being
a small economy, our private sector comprises hardworking business people and entrepreneurs who continue to infuse fresh ideas into business.  e private sector continues to invest, create employment opportunities and pay taxes.  e PDP honors their resilience and commits to further empower the private sector.
1.7 Proactive Civil Society
Our civil society organizations, small and big, have played a huge role in providing

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