Page 32 - PDP Manifesto 2018
P. 32

support to the needy and hope for those
in distress.  eir role has been immense
in supporting women,  ghting domestic violence and li ing people from poverty.  ey have nurtured new entrepreneurs helping many take the road towards prosperity. Without much fanfare, our CSOs have been playing a crucial role in working towards achieving the overarching goals of Gross National Happiness.
1.8 Vigilant Media
A er the advent of the private media
in 2006, the Bhutanese media grew
by leaps and bounds proliferating in numbers and advancing free speech and the fundamental rights to freedom of expression. But the private media soon started grappling with sustainability issues. Yet it did not stop our young media from performing its watchdog role. It questioned the government, exposed corruption, applauded the right policies and kept on keeping the people informed.  e media has not deterred in its task of writing the  rst dra  of history without fear or favor.
 e People’s Democratic Party applauds
all our institutions in upholding the highest values of democracy and making our Constitution a living document. Our party shall continue to support and further strengthen all our democratic institutions for a harmonious, prosperous and just Bhutan.
MANIFESTO : 2018 31

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