Page 34 - PDP Manifesto 2018
P. 34
2.1 PDP – The Party
e People’s Democratic Party (PDP) became the rst political party of Bhutan in the run up to the 2008 elections when
it was formed in March 2007. e party was formally registered as the rst political party by the Election Commission of Bhutan on September 1, 2007.
In the rst democratic elections in
2008, the PDP secured two seats in the 47-member National Assembly and formed the smallest opposition party in the world. e member elect of Sombaykha Constituency from Haa, Tshering Tobgay, became the Opposition Leader. He went on to assume the role of the party president.
In the second parliamentary elections in 2013, the PDP won the elections securing 32 of the 47 seats in the National Assembly. Party President Tshering Tobgay became the second democratically elected Prime Minister of Bhutan. e PDP also won
one more seat in the North imphu bye- elections in November 2016 taking the total ruling seats to 33.
2.1.1 Our Vision
A country with secured sovereignty that
is economically vibrant, environmentally rich, socio-culturally just and harmonious, politically united that enables the pursuit of happiness by every Bhutanese.
2.1.2 Our Mission
To guard and strengthen sovereignty, national security, unity, peace, stability
and integrity of the Kingdom.
To ensure that every Bhutanese can enjoy security, welfare and prosperity. To provide equal opportunity to everyone to enable them to develop their full potential to contribute to the process of nation building and to enable them to live a happy and meaningful life.
To preserve and promote social and family values, tradition and culture, religion and spirituality to enrich the life of every Bhutanese.
To conserve the pristine environment
in harmony with socioeconomic development.
To accelerate regionally balanced and equitable socioeconomic growth across the Kingdom.
To build a fair and just society with equal opportunities to all Bhutanese.
To expand and improve the quality of health and education services and public amenities and infrastructure.
To encourage active participation of women in political, social and economic a airs.
To empower the youth through requisite knowledge, skills and values for employment
To promote goodwill and cooperation with other nations, including the time- tested
friendship with India, and respect for international laws and obligations.
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