Page 35 - PDP Manifesto 2018
P. 35

34 MANIFESTO : 2018
2.1.3 Our Symbol
PDP’s election symbol is a white horse trotting con dently. It represents PDP’s resolve to serve all people equally, regardless of economic, social, regional, cultural and religious di erences.  e color white signi es clear vision, transparency and our uncompromising stance against all forms of corruption.
government should not interfere but instead facilitate governance.
2.1.5 Our Guiding Philosophy
GNH is the legacy of the Fourth Druk Gyalpo and it transcends ideologies. No political party can claim ownership over
it. It is a profound philosophy that places people’s happiness at the center of all development priorities. We are extremely proud of our development philosophy and will always be inspired and guided by it.  e People’s Democratic Party’s ideology, Wangtse Chhirpel, draws inspiration from the profound philosophy of Gross National Happiness.  ough theorizing about
GNH and placing the idea for the world
is necessary, PDP believes in the simple premise on which it is constructed. As His Majesty Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck has succinctly said: GNH is Development with Values.
2.1.6 Our Values
PDP believes in prosperity for all. And
our pursuance of social and economic development should mirror the values of liberty, justice, equal opportunity and basic social security for all citizens.  e party ideology of Wangtse Chhirpel is based on these values inspired by Gross National Happiness.
2.2 PDP: Election Slogan for 2018
 e PDP slogan for 2018 election is: “Unity. Stability. Prosperity.”
2.1.4 Our Ideology - Wangtse Chhirpel
Empowering people for liberty, equality and prosperity by devolving power and authority from the center to the people.
 e ideology of Wangtse Chhirpel lies in the belief that people know what is best
for them. It believes that policymakers
at the central government should only facilitate and help people organize and implement their aspirations.  e principle of Wangtse Chhirpel lies in devolving power to democratic institutions as de ned by the Constitution. It believes that the

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