Page 36 - PDP Manifesto 2018
P. 36

Each of the three words is a statement by itself.  us, each word is separated by a stop.
For 2018-2023, we recognize the importance of building a ‘just, harmonious and sustainable society through enhanced decentralization.’ It is for this reason that the PDP government initiated the dra ing of the 12th Five Year Plan with the above theme.  e biggest strength of Bhutan
as a nation has been its resilience and communal harmony. Under the benevolent rule of our glorious monarchs, Bhutan
has always withstood the test of time, cautiously navigating the challenges and braving storms to be globally recognized as a strong sovereign nation. Today, Bhutan enjoys the reputation of being called the last Shangri-La on earth.  e Bhutanese identity has never been stronger.
It falls on the political parties to build the strong foundation of nationhood handed over to the people by our enlightened Kings.  e PDP staunchly believes that the biggest strength of Bhutan is the strong sense of citizenship that unites
all Bhutanese. In the past 10 years, democracy has empowered the people. People understand their roles in this new democratic dispensation and actively participate in the democratic process, responsibly engaging in the decision- making process. But we must also
acknowledge that democracy has brought in new challenges. Party politics has divided families and communities, creating con ict and disharmony, which in the
long run would be harmful to the nation. Recognizing the paramount signi cance of unity for a small nation like ours, the PDP government has strengthened unity in the past  ve years. And PDP shall always work towards building a strong nation where Bhutanese from all walks of life are united as ‘One people under one King’.
For a society to grow, it needs the foundations to take o .  e preconditions required are a sound economy, a healthy society, dynamic leadership and a
vibrant and progressive society, which
can only come with stability. PDP is o ering a pledge of stability in the
country. To achieve any kind of growth or development, a nation has to be stable.  e PDP values this and believes that stability is the means and also an end in itself. Stability gives us strength and security.  ere cannot be growth or development without stability and the PDP is o ering
a pledge to make Bhutan a more stable nation.
Prosperity can only be achieved with unity and stability. PDP stands to deliver prosperity by empowering our people
MANIFESTO : 2018 35

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