Page 48 - PDP Manifesto 2018
P. 48
mining technologies in the mining sector.
We shall ensure that local communities are primary bene ciaries in the mining sector.
We shall encourage community ownership of mines and develop modalities for local communities to own shares in mining companies.
We shall ensure that mining companies adhere to their Corporate Social Responsibilities, which shall bene t communities impacted by mining activities.
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4.1.3 Agriculture
Agriculture is the main source of livelihood for a majority of Bhutanese. e agriculture sector employs 57% of the population, making it the biggest sector in the country. Greater investments in agriculture will upli the lives of our farmers, address
rural poverty and bring about equitable development. Towards this end, the
PDP will focus on agriculture sector to ‘achieve food self-su ciency of 80% for a prosperous and self-reliant society living in harmony with nature.’
We will address the impending challenges in the agriculture sector, which is multifold including the lack of infrastructure like
Pledges: Agriculture
roads and water, acute labor shortage, loss of arable land to urbanization, di cult terrain, and fragmented land holdings, loss of crops to wildlife, lack of access to market and agricultural credit, climate change and natural disasters, post-harvest management issues and subsistence nature of farming.
We will provide land on lease to encourage youth to take up agriculture. Such opportunities will also be extended to retired civil servants and retired armed force personnel who want to take up commercial farming. Many of the retired civil servants and armed force personnel are still in their productive years and can contribute positively to the economy.
We shall strive to achieve 70% food self su ceincy across major food items in the next ve years.
We shall introduce Guaranteed Buy-back Scheme of agricultural produce to purchase farm produce and facilitate agriculture trade and business.