Page 50 - PDP Manifesto 2018
P. 50

We shall provide land on lease to encourage youth to take up agriculture. Such opportunities will also be extended to retired civil servants and retired armed force personnel who want to take up commercial farming.
Pledges: Forestry
We shall provide timber subsidy to the rural population.
We shall institute mechanisms in place to measure the state of our natural forests and to undertake carbon stock assessment.
We shall strengthen the management of protected and conservation areas. We shall develop ‘Zero Poaching’ policy and institute smart patrolling approaches to reduce forestry and wildlife o ences and con icts.
We shall prioritize ecotourism and facilitate nature-based ecotourism programs.
We shall prioritize habitat enrichment plantations for e ective management of wetlands and watershed areas.
We shall reduce the incidences of forest  res through use of better technologies and intensifying advocacy.
Pledges: Livestock
We shall promote Climate Resilient Livestock Farming.
We shall prioritize highland agriculture and livestock farming by developing the capacity of highland livestock rearing households and providing livestock input supplies.
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