Page 64 - PDP Manifesto 2018
P. 64
connecting the entire nation.
We shall develop minimum standards for national highways to ensure the most economical, safe, reliable and quality national highways in the country. We shall build restroom facilities along all major national highways.
4.6 Safe, Eco-friendly and Affordable
Safe, reliable and e cient transport system is vital to the growth of the economy.
It is therefore necessary that we build a strong network of quality roads, surface and air transport connectivity in the country to facilitate easier movement of people and goods. is would improve trade and business, contributing to overall socioeconomic development.
We also need to be mindful of the negative impacts of increasing number of vehicles in the country and therefore switch to more fuel e cient and eco-friendly alternatives. A ordable and e ecient public transportation systems in populated thromdes would be prioritized to address tra c congestion.
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We shall introduce public bus services to all gewogs to increase connectivity. We shall provide tax incentives to electric and eco-friendly vehicles.
We shall install quick charging stations for electric vehicles in all major towns and cities and along highways.
We shall provide government subsidies for non-pro table bus service routes. We shall expand and build new bus terminals and parking space for trucks and taxis in all dzongkhags.
We shall build wheel chair ramps at bus terminals across the country.
We shall explore the possibilities of constructing additional domestic airports in eastern Bhutan.
We shall upgrade and expand the Gelephu Domestic Airport infrastructure.