Page 68 - PDP Manifesto 2018
P. 68

Pledges: District Hospitals
Every district hospital shall have at least one Gynecologist and a medical specialist assisted by three doctors and adequate nurses and technicians. All district hospitals shall provide the following diagnostic facilities and treatment services: proper OT facilities, X-ray, ECG, Lab facilities, dental and blood bank etc.
We shall establish emergency obstetrics and essential surgical trauma centers in every district hospital.
Every district hospital shall have a mobile clinical unit that will periodically reach healthcare services to remote communities and o er home based healthcare services to immobile/bedridden patients.
We shall introduce health program for people in retreat and meditation, which will be provided by dzongkhag mobile health teams periodically. We shall open satellite health clinics in populated thromdes to decongest district and referral hospitals.
Pledges: BHUs
We shall ensure that every BHU has one doctor, two nurses and suitable number of technicians.
Every BHU shall have a minimum healthcare facility and treatment services such as OT facilities for minor operations, X-ray, ultra-sound, and blood- testing facilities.
We shall provide one ambulance to every gewog to enable timely evacuation and referral of patients.
We shall expand the health outreach clinics to chiwog and village level.
We shall initiate special mobile health camps providing comprehensive diagnostic services (such as endoscopy) in rural villages.
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