Page 70 - PDP Manifesto 2018
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ues, enabling them to embrace the future with con dence. To ensure that no child is le behind, we will continue investing in improving access to education to remote and highland communities and children from economically disadvantaged families and renew our focus on special education
Pledges: Schools
for children living with disabilities. We will continue to invest in training and develop- ment of teachers as they are the backbone of our education system. Our vocational institutes and colleges must provide world- class training so that our young men and women are globally competitive.
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We shall establish a central school in every gewog. Currently, there are 63 central schools.
We shall not close down any school. Instead, we shall provide central school facilities to all primary schools.
We shall establish Early Childcare and Development (ECCD) Center in every chiwog. There are 1,044 chiwogs in the country.
We shall establish one Special Education Needs School in every dzongkhag to provide equal access to education for children with learning di culties and special needs.
We shall promote autonomous schools to empower our school authorities for greater creativity and innovation in education practices.
We shall establish three schools specialized in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM).
We shall establish two schools specialized in promotion of performing arts. We shall establish three sports academies to promote sports.
We shall establish a special school focused on agriculture.
We shall set up smart classrooms and intensify ICT in teaching-learning process and ICT integrated teaching pedagogy.
We shall connect all schools with high-speed Internet connectivity.