Page 72 - PDP Manifesto 2018
P. 72

Pledges: Teachers
We shall provide one laptop for every teacher.
We shall provide a minimum of 80 hours of professional development training to all teachers including teachers of private schools.
We shall enhance opportunities for masters degree for all teachers. We shall reduce teacher workload through:
One teacher one-subject policy;
18 hours contact teaching in a week;
Providing support administration and sta  to schools.
We shall promote teacher exchange programs with schools abroad.
We shall ensure a ordable government housing for teachers within the school premises.
We shall introduce homeownership programs for teachers.
We shall raise the salary and allowances for teachers.
Since it is the mandate of the Parliament to review and amend legislations, we shall review and amend the RCSC Act to improve performance system, working and service conditions of our teachers.
We shall provide Research Endowment Funds to undertake action research for teachers.
We shall appoint Dzongkha language teachers in missions abroad and in places where there is high concentration of Bhutanese.
We shall review education HR policy to facilitate smooth promotion of our teachers, vice principals and principals.
We shall streamline services of ECCD and NFE instructors through salary raise and improved service conditions.
We shall introduce paid vacation for support sta  serving in schools.
We shall introduce national level professional development programs for Non-Formal Education instructors.
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