Page 73 - PDP Manifesto 2018
P. 73

Pledges: Curriculum
We shall align our curricula to the needs of the 21st century economic realities.
We shall encourage creativity, project work, simulation as pedagogy of the 21st century.
We shall review the examination system for our schools.
We shall digitize textbooks where possible.
We shall participate in PISA international program.
We shall continue promoting performing arts in our schools.
We shall include technical and vocational education curriculum in the mainstream education.
5.3 Youth: Investing in Our National
Almost half of Bhutan’s population is below the age of 26 years.  ey are our nation’s wealth, our future. We will leave no stone unturned to secure a bright future for our young citizens. Our young people have immense potential, which must be developed and harnessed, to enable them to live ful lling lives. We are determined now more than ever to create the right
opportunities for our youth so that they can realize their full potential.
We are committed to creating favorable conditions for youth to get a good start in life. We believe our youth are our strength and solutions to our nation’s problems.  ey are not the problem.  ey are the solutions. We will continue investing in our youth and equip them with skills, knowledge and values that will help them shape their own future, a better future.
We shall support every youth to secure employment through a dedicated o ce.
We shall provide unemployment and sustenance allowance for youth who have been actively seeking employment for over one year and support them

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