Page 8 - PDP Manifesto 2018
P. 8
Executive Summary
The 2018 National Assembly election is an important milestone in Bhutan’s tryst with democracy. It
marks a decade of successful transition
to democracy and the beginning of yet another exciting period in our nation’s journey. e People’s Democratic Party (PDP) had the good fortune to serve as
the Opposition in the rst ve years and as the ruling party in the second ve years of democracy. In both the occasions, we have served with humility, putting the interest of the people and the nation above all else.
In 2013 parliamentary elections, the
PDP presented an ambitious Manifesto
to the people of Bhutan. e Manifesto, an embodiment of our collective aspirations, was a bold dream for a
small nation. Yet initially, the Manifesto was received with a mix of doubts and apprehensions. However, as we assumed the responsibilities of governance and started delivering the pledges, it restored the con dence of the people.
With the blessings and guidance of His Majesty the King, the life force of our nation, we have strengthened our security and sovereignty in the past ve years.
We have revived our economy from the brink of crisis. We have consolidated our democracy. Our people have become
more prosperous and con dent. Today, our nation is stronger, more resilient and dynamic.
e PDP Manifesto 2018 is even more ambitious and daring than the last one because we believe people of Bhutan deserve nothing less than the best.
is Manifesto is an expression of our collective dream for a better, stronger
and more prosperous Bhutan. Inspired by His Majesty’s vision and our ideology of Wangtse Chhirpel, people are at the center of the Manifesto. No Bhutanese will be le behind. is Manifesto is our unwavering commitment to ensure and sustain peace, unity, stability, and harmony in our country.
We present you the summary of our national priorities and ambitious yet realistic plan to take our nation forward.
1. Economy
Although our economy is one of the smallest in the world, we have the potential and all the ingredients to become an economic powerhouse in the region. e PDP has identi ed Five Economic Jewels that would trigger Bhutan’s economic growth: Hydropower and Energy; Mining; Agriculture; Tourism; and Cottage, Small
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