Page 9 - PDP Manifesto 2018
P. 9

8 MANIFESTO : 2018
and Medium Enterprises.  e  rst two jewels, hydropower and mining, provide signi cant resources for development while the other three jewels bene t the people directly through creation and distribution of wealth.
Jewel 1: Hydropower and Energy
Hydropower is the bedrock of our economy. We will pursue a dual plan
to develop the hydropower sector to maximize economic returns. We will accelerate measures for timely completion of the hydropower projects under construction to achieve a minimum power generation of 5,000MW by the end of 2022 and simultaneously, initiate and complete the Detailed Project Reports (DPRs) for
all hydropower projects that are techno- economically feasible.
Our vision is to develop Bhutan as
a knowledge center for hydropower development and related services both
in the region and the world. To this end, we will prioritize development of local capacity to design, develop, build and operate hydropower projects through Druk Green Power Corporation and Construction Development Corporation Limited as local expert institutions. In addition, we will promote clean renewable energy technologies with special focus
on renewable energy resources like solar, wind, biomass, small hydro and other emerging modern fuels as sources for
energy generation. By the end of 2023, we will ensure electri cation of all households in the country.
Jewel 2: Mining
Mines and minerals are scarce national resources that must be sustainably harnessed, keeping in mind the needs of future generations. We will undertake comprehensive geological mapping of all crucial mineral resources in the entire country.  e State Mining Corporation (SMC) will be strengthened to be a model mining company in the country and all proceeds of the SMC will go to the education ministry mainly to  nance central schools.
 e bene ts from the mining sector must also spread across all sections of our society, particularly those communities a ected by mining activities. To this end, we will ensure local communities are the primary bene ciaries in the mining sector. We will encourage community ownership of mines and develop modalities for local communities to own shares in mining companies.
Jewel 3: Agriculture
Agriculture is an important source of livelihood for a majority of Bhutan’s population. We will continue to invest
in agriculture through improved land management use, farm mechanization and commercial farming to meet economy of

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