Page 83 - PDP Manifesto 2018
P. 83
82 MANIFESTO : 2018
6. Good Governance
Good governance is a hallmark of a functional democracy that encompasses the rule of law, transparency, responsiveness, equity, inclusiveness, e ciency and e ectiveness. erefore, the most important pillar of our development philosophy of GNH is Good Governance. Without Good Governance, we will not
be able to achieve the vision of GNH.
Our pursuit of equitable socioeconomic development, environmental sustainability and cultural preservation is dependent upon Good Governance.
6.1 Constitutional Bodies
We believe in strengthening our constitutional institutions to function without interference. Strong constitutional bodies are the backbone of a functional and e ective democracy. ey have to be strengthened with funds and the required human resources.
e constitutional bodies require to be strengthened by trusting them with their authority and independence to ensure that democracy succeeds. e PDP shall create a forum to regularly meet the constitutional bodies to ensure that they are able to ful ll their constitutional mandates to the best of their abilities. We will ensure that all the constitutional bodies are adequately sta ed and
have enough resources to ful ll their constitutional functions.
6.2 Empowering Local Government
PDP’s ideology Wangtse Chhirpel places great importance on empowerment
of people. Decentralization of power enhances the democratization process
by empowering people to self-determine their own development needs and priorities, leading to equitable and balanced socioeconomic development and ultimately upli ing living standards and overall wellbeing of communities at the grassroots.
We will continue to make e orts in empowering the people through greater decentralization and more inclusive, bottom-up approach to planning and decision-making, so that, the bene ts would directly trickle down to local communities throughout the country.
6.2.1 Empowering Gewogs
Each of the 205 gewogs in the country is
a microcosm of our national life. Rural villages are the bedrock of our civilization and the birthplace of our unique culture and traditions, customs and heritage, and traditional way of life. We will prioritize gewog development by making substantial investments to make life more meaningful for people living in gewogs and chiwogs across the country.
Besides devolving power to the gewog administrations, we shall ensure that each gewog is able to capitalize on its unique resources to become self-su cient. We