Page 84 - PDP Manifesto 2018
P. 84
shall ensure that each gewog has a bare
minimum infrastructure to stimulate the “ development of rural economy, facilitate
trade and business, and create conducive
environment for community vitality
and wellbeing. By harnessing its unique
resources and realizing its potential, we
envisage each gewog to be a model of its
own. To this end, every gewog shall have
the necessary infrastructure and amenities
to foster development.
MANIFESTO : 2018 83
We shall increase the Gewog Development Grant (GDG) to Nu. 5 million from Nu. 2 million.
We shall increase the Gewog Development Grant (GDG) to Nu. 5 million from Nu. 2 million.
We shall initiate One-Gewog-One-Product (OGOP) program in all 205 gewogs.
We shall fund a Nu. 20 million project in each gewog to be identi ed by the people.
We shall provide su cient human resource such as engineers, accountants and land record o cers to gewog administrations to e ectively and e ciently implement plans and activities.
We shall construct a helipad in every gewog to facilitate emergency medical evacuation and for swift response during disaster emergencies.
We shall build a communal warehouse in every gewog to facilitate storage of agricultural produce and trade.
We shall construct an integrated meeting hall in every chiwog to provide