Page 86 - PDP Manifesto 2018
P. 86

and referral of patients.
We shall expand the health Outreach Clinics (ORC) to chiwog and village level.
We shall introduce public transport services in all gewogs.
We shall enhance supply of electric fencing and improvise electric fencing to upscale our  ght against wildlife encroachment and predation.
MANIFESTO : 2018 85
6.2.2 Empowering Thromdes
 romdes are important local government institutions responsible for planning and implementing development plans for urban centers, and in providing public services to urban residents. Today, a large number of Bhutanese, close to 22% of
the entire population, resides in the four  romdes of  imphu, Phuentsholing, Samdrup Jongkhar and Gelephu.  e growing population density in these  romdes requires bigger investments in infrastructure development and public amenities and services to meet the emerging needs.
Our  roms and cities must be livable, environment friendly, and above all, enable people to live productive and meaningful lives. For that,  romdes must be endowed with necessary resources,  nancial and human capacity, to implement bold initiatives that would transform the experience of living in the cities. Every  romde has its own unique potential and opportunities and we shall ensure that each  romde fully optimizes this potential
to enhance living standards, create better opportunities, and contribute to the physical and emotional wellbeing of people living in cities.
We shall ensure that all households in the Thromdes have 24x7 water supply. Leveraging on the existing Thromde service delivery through online platforms and mobile apps, we shall further enhance service delivery by opening service counters in di erent locations of the Thromdes.
We shall ensure that all Thromde services are delivered within 48 working hours from the day of application.

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