Page 87 - PDP Manifesto 2018
P. 87
We shall invest in building more parks and open spaces in every Thromde
to provide a breathing space and for people to engage in physical activities, community get-togethers and for children’s entertainment.
Every Thromde shall have its own multi-recreational complex with state
of the art facilities, both indoor and outdoor, such as swimming pool, basketball and badminton courts, etc.
We shall build an Expo Complex in Thimphu to host major expos and trade fairs.
Each Thromde shall have a designated space for sale of local products such as handicraft and agricultural produce.
We shall explore ways to ease the housing problems in Thromdes by constructing cheap housing through public-private partnership model and other viable models.
We shall review the Tenancy Act to regulate house rents.
To address the growing waste problem in Thromdes, we shall invest in waste management and recycling technologies and privatize waste collection and management services.
We shall prioritize development and maintenance of chortens and lhakhangs within the Thromde area and ensure that there are adequate amenities for elderly citizens for religious and spiritual pursuits.
We shall develop and promote tourist attraction sites in the Thromdes.
One of the major problems in the Thromdes today is frequent digging up
of roads to lay down power cables (by BPC), to install cables (by telecom companies) and maintain sewer networks (by Thromdes). This happens because of poor coordination and planning among service providing institutions. We shall prioritize to build strong coordination and interlinkage among services providing institutions within the Thromde.
We shall prioritize to reduce crimes and make our Thromdes safer through enhanced investments in crime prevention and advocacy programs.