Page 89 - PDP Manifesto 2018
P. 89
88 MANIFESTO : 2018
6.2.3 Empowering Dzongkhags
e dzongkhag administration has to be strong and independent to ensure that bene ts trickle down to the grassroots in an e ective manner. We will strengthen dzongkhags by providing necessary infrastructure, resources and facilities. All dzongkhags will have a minimum set of infrastructure and amenities to enhance the quality of life and wellbeing
of the people. Each dzongkhag will make use of its unique resources to create a vibrant local economy. e PDP envisions each dzongkhag to be self-su cient, for which, we will empower Dzongkhag administrations to develop an economic policy to guide its growth trajectory, identify and start commercial projects, and create a vibrant local economy.
We shall ensure that each dzongkhag comes up with its own economic plan to enhance the dzongkhag’s productivity cutting across all sectors.
We shall identify a unique tourism product for every dzongkhag, which will be packaged and marketed to attract tourists.
We shall initiate One Dzongkhag One Project (ODOP) through which the Dzongkhag administration will identify one unique project (commercial or cooperative). A separate budget will be allocated for the project.
We shall identify and develop a mini industrial area for every dzongkhag. We shall prioritize the establishment of SMEs and CSIs in the dzongkhags. We shall create 12,000 jobs in 20 dzongkhags over the next ve years through targeted interventions.
We shall promote agricultural cooperatives and groups in the Dzongkhags. We shall conduct a comprehensive study of dzongkhags with housing problems for civil servants and town residents and appropriate measures would be taken to address the issue.
We shall establish Dzongkhag Information and Service Center to facilitate provision of integrated public service delivery.