Page 91 - PDP Manifesto 2018
P. 91

We shall business We shall We shall arti cial We shall the year. We shall We shall
build Business Incubation infrastructure to facilitate development of ideas and startups in the dzongkhags.
build warehouse and cold storage facilities in the dzongkhags. ensure that at least one football ground in every dzongkhag has an turf.
ensure all dzongkhag roads are properly maintained throughout
install Quick Charging Station in the dzongkhags. build a public library in every dzongkhag.
6.3 An Effective Civil Service
Our Monarchs instituted, with utmost care, a bureaucracy that is honest, dedicated
and that shares a common vision for
the future. Our civil servants, across all levels, have proved to be one of the best, with the interest of the nation always as their priority. We have the brightest and the most e cient planners, engineers, economists, administrators that a nation can wish for. Despite challenges that have sometimes undermined their role and despite unreasonable expectations, they have kept their spirits up and contributed immensely in achieving the vision of Gross National Happiness.
 e civil service is the single biggest employer in the country with a total of 27,029 civil servants.  e civil service continues to play a major role in implementing development plans and activities and in the delivery of critical
public services to the people.  e PDP recognizes the important role of the civil service machinery and the contribution of the civil servants. We understand
that much needs to be done to improve the working environment within the
civil service to maximize outputs, with further investment in professional and capacity development and revision of civil service rules and regulations. In addition, we also need to reward hard working
and performing civil servants based on meritocracy and review and revise salary and bene t structure.
Since it is the mandate of the Parliament
to review and amend legislations, we
will review and amend the RCSC Act to improve performance system, working and service conditions of our civil servants and to make the retirement age same for all categories of civil servants.

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