Page 92 - PDP Manifesto 2018
P. 92

We shall initiate a ordable hoursing leading up to homeownership for civil servants under the special  agship program. This program would enable civil servants to own a decent home.
Since it is the mandate of the Parliament to review and amend legislations, we shall review and amend the RCSC Act to improve performance system, working and service conditions of our civil servants and to make the retirement age same for all categories of civil servants.
We shall raise the vehicle quota from Nu. 800,000 to Nu 1,500,000.
We shall provide a one-time vehicle quota of Nu. 1,500,000 to civil servants who are not elegible for vehicle quota and who have put in long years of service.
We shall raise TA/DA and mileage substantially for civil servants in the lower category and make it equal across the board.
We shall review LTC payment for all levels of civil servants.
We shall introduce retirement bene ts and pension and PF schemes for ESP/ GSP level civil servants.
We shall raise the salaries of civil servants and ensure that the pay revision bene ts mid and lower level civil servants the most.
We will review and raise the salaries and bene ts of the corporate sector.
We shall establish crèche services in government o ces to cater to the needs of parents with toddlers and babies.
We shall develop a ordable housing facilities for civil servants posted in rural dzongkhags and gewogs.
We shall create examination centers in the dzongkhags to conduct Bhutan Civil Service Examinations in the dzongkhags.
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