Page 13 - Lime FMS Employee Handbook
P. 13
Holiday booking
To request a holiday you will need to speak with your line manager. All holidays must be
approved in advance by your line manager. Your line manager will enter the holidays
on Perf4m.
The Company reserves the right to reject any holiday request which might impair the
efficiency of the business and may (but is not obliged) to treat competing holiday
applications on a “first come, first served” basis. Therefore, please give as much notice
as possible when you are booking time off to avoid any disappointment.
In the event that a holiday request has to be refused the line manager will give as much
notice of refusal as possible.
The Company reserves the right to ask you to take holiday at any time to meet with the
requirements of the business.
In your first year of employment, all holidays must be accrued before being booked and
If you leave the Company with some holiday entitlement not taken in the current holiday
year, you will be paid with your final payment, a sum representing pay for the number
of days not taken.
Should you leave within a leave year and holiday has been taken in excess of any
entitlement accrued up to the date of departure, then a financial adjustment will be
made to your final salary based on the proportion of the year worked.
Religious holidays
The Company will not ask about your religion and will not discriminate against anyone
wishing to celebrate their religious holidays or festivals. You are required to use part of
your normal holiday entitlement to cover time off for these.
Sickness Absence
Sickness Absence Policy
LiME is committed to maintaining the health, well-being and attendance of all our
employees. We value the contribution our employees make to our success and we miss
that contribution when any employee is unable to work.
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