Page 3 - Year 2 Maths Mastery
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About the authors
Mike Askew is Professor of Debbie Morgan holds a
Mathematics Education, the national role as Director of
University of the Witwatersrand, Primary Mathematics at the
Johannesburg. Mike has National Centre for Excellence
directed many research in the Teaching of Mathematics.
projects, including the Debbie has experience as a
influential ‘Effective Teachers of primary teacher, Headteacher,
Numeracy in Primary Schools’, Mathematics Advisor, Senior
and was deputy director of the Lecturer in Mathematics
five-year Leverhulme Numeracy Education and Director of a
Research Programme. Mike’s research has been widely Mathematics Specialist Teacher Programme. Debbie
published both in the academic arena and as books currently provides advice and expertise to the DfE
and resources for teachers. to support the implementation of the Primary
Mathematics Curriculum.
Pete Griffin works at a national Sarah Bishop is an Assistant
level as Assistant Director Headteacher and Year 2 teacher
for the National Centre for with experience as a Primary
Excellence in the Teaching Strategy Maths Consultant. She
of Mathematics. Pete has is currently a Mathematics SLE
experience as a secondary with Affinity Teaching School
teacher, Advisory Teacher, Alliance and has delivered CPD
and lecturer in Mathematics and school-to-school support
Education at the Open as part of this role. Sarah has
University. Pete has worked been involved in making the
with QCA and the National Strategies and has written NCETM videos to support the National Curriculum and
and developed a wide range of teacher professional is part of the DfE Expert Group for Mathematics. More
development materials. recently, Sarah has taken on the role of Primary Lead for
the East Midlands South Maths Hub.
Sarah Eaton is an Assistant Clare Christie is a primary
Headteacher and Year 6 teacher. teacher and Maths Leader.
Sarah has been a Mathematics Clare is also a Mathematics SLE,
SLE with the Affinity Teaching supporting schools with Maths
School Alliance for four years, teaching and learning. Clare
enabling her to lead CPD across is primary lead of the Boolean
the alliance. Sarah has been Maths Hub and a member of
part of a Mathematics research the ACME Outer Circle.
project in Shanghai and
Finland, and has been part of
the KS2 teacher panel for the 2016 Maths tests.
3 • Introduction Text © Crown Copyright 2015 Illustration and design © Oxford University Press 2015