Page 20 - HCCS-SI Open House Flip Book 5.6.20
P. 20

K-2 Math Curriculum Maps 2019-2020

          Time      Sept./Oct.        Oct./Nov.          Nov./Dec          Jan./Feb         Feb./Mar.      Apr./May          May/June
          K         Basic 2D Shapes   Represent, Count   Compare Numbers   Represent and    Represent      Subtraction       Identify and Describe
                                      and Write Numbers   to 5             Compare          Count and                        3D Shapes
                                      0-5                                  Numbers to 10    Write 20 and   Measurement
                                                                                            Beyond                           Classify and Sort Data
                                                                           Represent,  Count                                 Getting Ready for First
                                                                           and Write        Addition                         Grade
                                                                           Numbers 11-19
          First     Addition Concepts   Addition Strategies   Addition and   Count and Model   Two Digit   Measurement       2D and 3D Geometry
          Grade                                          Subtraction       Numbers.         Addition and                     Getting Ready for
                    Subtraction       Subtraction        Relationships     Compare          Subtraction    Representing      Second Grade
                    Concepts          Strategies                           Numbers                         Data
          Second    Number concepts   Number and         Operations and    3 Digit Addition   Money and    Length in         Measurement and Data
          Grade     Operations and    Operations in Base   Algebraic Thinking   and Subtraction   Time     Customary Units   Charts and Graphs
                    Algebraic Thinking:   Ten*How can you   How do you use   Number and                                      How do Tally Charts,
                    Number and        use place value to   place value to add   Operations in   Measurement   Measurement    picture Graphs and Bar
                    Operations in Base   model, write and   2 digit numbers   Base Ten      and Data       and Data          Graphs help you solve
                    Ten * How do you   compare 3 digit   and what are some  What are some   How do you use   What are some of   problems?
                    use place value to   numbers?        different ways to   strategies for   the values of   the methods and
                    find the values of                   add numbers?      adding and       coins and bills   tools that can be   Geometry
                    numbers and       Operations and                       subtracting 3 digit  to find out the   used to estimate   What are two
                    describe numbers in  Algebraic Thinking.    Number and   numbers?       total value of a   and measure   dimensional shapes and
                    different ways?   How can you use    Operations in Base                 group of       length?           three dimensional
                                      patterns and       Ten- Operations   Money and Time   money?                           shapes and how can
                                      strategies to find   and Algebraic                    How do you      What are some    you show equal parts of
                                      sums and           Thinking                           read analog    of the methods    shapes?
                                      differences for basic   How do you use                and digital    and tools that can
                                      facts?             place value to                     clocks?        be used to
                                                         subtract 2 digit                                  estimate and
                                                         numbers                                           measure length in
                                                         with/without                                      metric units?
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