Page 15 - 2020 First Tee Annual Report
P. 15


              With over 50 volunteers and nearly 1,000 hours of service, First Tee - Canton had over
              $26,000 in budget savings!

              The First Tee Coach Program is an educational training program that prepares staff
              and volunteers at chapters of First Tee to deliver First Tee Life Skills Experience. The First
              Tee Coach Program relies on developing a philosophy that supports and enhances the
              First Tee Life Skills Experience.

                     �   Recognized Coaches – Terry Taylor, Guy Bertram, Brad Nyholm, Bryan Herberghs

                     �   Level 2 Coaches – Dennis Seia, Wendy Lichtenwalter

                     �   Player Level Coach – Mitchell Sierzant, Mike Monnot,

                     �   15 Trained Assistant Coaches

              Thank you retired Coach Jim Motley.  Coach Jim has been a long-time volunteer with
              First Tee – Canton.  We weren’t able to do the celebration that we wanted to honor him
              but we did present him with a plaque honoring his service.

                                            First Tee - Canton 2020 Annual Report
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