Page 177 - Wurth Total Catalogue
P. 177

HSP 1400                                                               High Temperature lubricating and anti

                                                                                 seize spray.

                                                                                 •  Metal-free paste that lubricates, reduces wear,
                                                                                    reliably separates and provides outstanding
                                                                                    corrosion protection.
                                                                                 •  Not suitable for bearing lubrication. For
                                                                                    universal  use, supple and highly adhesive.
                                                                                 •  Product is non-toxic, contains no metallic
                                                                                    pigments and is free from graphite,  MOS2
                                                                                    and additives containing sulphur.
                                                                                 •  Silicone free.
                                                                                 •  Ideally suited as separating paste  for stainless-
                                                                                    steel screw connections. (Prevents gauling :
                                                                                    gauling is a chemical reaction that welds
                                                                                    some types of stainless steel fasteners
                                                                                    together, making it virtually impossible to

                                                                                 Clean surfaces of all types of  residues (oxide,
                              Description  Contents   Art. No.     Pack Qty.     paint and  scale layers, old lubricants).
                              HSP 1400    300ml      0893 123      1/12          Preferably mechanically (wire brush)
                                                                                 and with  cleaner, e.g. Wurth Brake Cleaner.
                                                                                 Thin-film lubrication of loaded threads and
       Application:                                                              surfaces: Apply evenly with brush or spray on
                                                                                 over entire surface. Do not use like grease.

                                                                                 Machine tools of all kinds, construction   machi-
                                                                                 nes, agricultural machines, vehicles, conveyor
                                                                                 technology, pipeline construction, assembly,
       Splined shafts and joints of all kinds  Pressed connections for plain and   Heavy-duty stroke spindles  Brake parts,  brake linings    maintenance and repair departments, mechanical
       •  High pressure  resistance    anti-friction bearings, flywheels  and   •  Readiness  for operation  •   Prevents corrosion, seizing and    workshops, tool manufacturing.
          ensures smooth movement and    impellers.  •   Protection of edges from wear       burning  together on disk  brake
          minimal wear   •  Destruction-free pressing in       and seizing.     pads.
                            and out.                          •   Prevents squeaking and wear.  Technical Data:
                                                                                 •  Basis: Synthetic-mineral oil mixture with
                                                                                   organic thickener and white solid lubricant
                                                                                 •  Temperature range: -40°C to +1,400°C
                                                                                   (temperature range of solid lubricants).
                                                                                 •  Test data: Tests in mixed friction area.
                                                                                    •     Four-Ball Tester Acceptable Load/Welding
       Slideways, bed  tracks, column   Shut-off valves, taps, slide valves  Chucks, heavy clamped onnections  Flange  connections, pins, screws,   Load 3,800/4,000 N, DIN 51350,4.
       guides            •   Smooth movement of    •   Ensures high clamping forces.  bolts and nuts     •     SRV (cylinder/plate; 450 N, 1,000 µm, 50
       •  Even,  jerk-free movements even       adjustment spindles.  •   Ensures uniform tightening and    •   Ensures uniform    tightening
          at low speeds.  •   Uniform tightening torques and       loosening.     torques due to minimal     Hz.2h).
       •   Emergency running lubrication       destruction-free dismantling of    •   Highly adhesive, water       scattering of friction values.     •    Friction coefficient 0.10- 0.13.
          for additional  lubrication with       screw connection.       resistant lubricating film.  •   Destruction-free dismantling,
          grease or oil.                                         even after long effects of        •    Wear depth 0.3 µm.
       •   Protection against  compression                       temperature.       •     Corrosion protection test; Salt spray test >
          across edges                                        •   Prevents seizing, e.g. with
                                                                 stainless-steel  screws or bolts.  500 h, DIN 50 021.

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