Page 221 - Wurth Total Catalogue
P. 221


                                                                                  Highly effective product for cleaning
                                                                                  and disinfecting Air Conditioning &
                                                                                  Heating systems in vehicles.

                                                                                  •  Kills bacteria and fungi in a very short time.
                                                                                  •   Efficient in removing bad odours.
                                                                                  •  Long lasting protection.
                                                                                  •  Easy to apply.
                                                                                  •  Can also be used for air conditioning and
                                                                                    heating systems in hotels, homes and mobile
                                                                                  •  Fine aerosol spray mist.

                                                                                  Shake can well before use. Spray disinfection
                                                                                  agent into Air conditioning air intake systems
                                                                                  (minimum 200ml) while system is operating,
                             Description   Contents   Art. No.      Pack Qty.     with fan on the lowest setting. Then switch off the
                             Air Conditioning                                     air-conditioning system, and allow the disinfectant
                             & Heating System  250ml  0893 764 100  1/12          to take effect on the bacteria and fungi. This
                             Disinfection Spray                                   should take about 10 minutes.  Also spray a
                                                                                  small amount in the outlets, while the air condition
                                                                                  system is switched off.

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