Page 227 - Wurth Total Catalogue
P. 227
For all lacquered and non-lacquered
alloy wheels as well as steel wheels.
Spray wheels thoroughly. Allow to soak for Outstanding cleaning capacity owing to
about 5 minutes and rinse off manually or in an new gel formula.
automatic car wash. The cleaning effect can be • No run-off. Product is able to have optimal
enhanced by longer soaking (up to 30 minutes) effect.
and by using a brush.
• Even the most stubborn dirt, such as brake
dust, tar, oil and road dirt is completely
Note: dissolved.
Do not apply to hot wheels or in direct sunlight.
pH-valve: 10.0. • Gentle on materials and surface finishes.
AOX-free�, Silicone free.
� AOX = adsorptive organic halogen compounds, such as fluor, chlorine, • Particularly well suited for polished and high-
quality alloy wheels.
chlorinated hydrocarbon, tri, per, etc.
• Easy application, since containing no harmful
Contents Art. No. P. Qty.
1L 0893 476 1/6 User-friendly
5L 0893 476 05 1 • No run-off, no waste, economical.
• Pleasant, inoffensive odour.
• Long soaking time possible (up to 30 minutes).
• Separation-friendly, i.e. quick-separating
in waste water according to Eco-standard
Acid-free special cleaner for all steel
and light-alloy wheels with easy-to-clean
Application: effect.
Spray wheels thoroughly. Allow to soak for
about 5 minutes and rinse off manually or in an Acid-free, powerful additive
automatic car wash. The cleaning effect can be concentration.
enhanced by longer soaking (up to 30 minutes) • Gentle to rim surface and lug nuts.
and by using a brush. The active ingredient turns • Easy-to-clean.
from red to violet during the soaking time. • Removes surface rust particles.
• Cost effective.
The acid-free combination of active ingredients Aerosol can has pure air as propellant.
removes even the most stubborn dirt, such as • Sprays 360° in any position.
firmly adhering brake dust, road dirt, oil & rubber • Perfect spraying pattern.
residues. Also removes surface rust particles from • Non-flammable.
all steel & light-alloy rims. Reduces adhesion • Virtually full contents used.
(easy-to-clean effect) of brake dust by building up
a protective film on the rim!
Do not apply to hot rims, in direct sunlight or
frost. Do not allow to dry.
AUS. pub. 07/17 © Contents Art. No. P. Qty.
0893 476 500
400 ml
04 4391