Page 249 - Wurth Total Catalogue
P. 249

4-in-1 A/C leAk seAlAnt with u/v dye                                   Premium leak sealant that stops leaks

                                                                                 in air conditioning system seals, gaskets
                                                                                 and o-rings. 4-in-1

                                                                                    1. O-ring/seal conditioner.
                                                                                    2. Ester oil.
                                                                                    3. U/V dye.
                                                                                    4. R-134a gas as a propellant.

                                                                                     Contains specially formulated o-ring
                                                                                   seal conditioner to stop the majority of air
                                                                                   conditioning leaks at rubber hoses, gaskets,
                                                                                   seals and ALL types of o-rings including
                                                                                   HNBR, nitrile and neoprene.
                                                                                     Contains ester oil to aid in compressor
                                                                                     Contains     dye to assist in locating ma or
                                                                                   leaks or for future diagnosis.
                                                                                    Contains  -   a gas as a propellant   to aid
                                                                                    in dispensing the product.
                                                                                    Does not contain polymers and will not harm
                                                                                    A/C system components.
                                                                                     or use in  -   a air conditioning systems
        Description              Contents      Art. No.         Pack Qty.           Compatible with mineral, ester and P   oils.
        A/C Leak Sealant with U/V Dye  114g    0892 764 330     1/12
                                                                                     se  daptor  ose to add   C  eak Sealant
                                                                                    to any R-134a A/C system.
       Shake can well. Screw the A/C Leak Sealant can onto a Wurth Quick-Connect Adaptor Hose. With the   Benefits:
       engine and air conditioner running (A/C on Max.) connect the hose to the low pressure side (suction      E cellent for  -   a conversions  retro- ts .
       side) service port.                                                            educes the possibilities of   C problems
       Do not connect to the high-side service port as the pressure may cause the can to   and acts as insurance on used and later
       burst resulting in serious injury.                                          model cars.
       Turn the can upside down, screw in the adaptor hose tap to puncture the can then open the tap to      This product will not contaminate   C
       dispense the product into the system.  When the can is empty, remove the quick-connect adaptor hose      recovery equipment.
       from the service port.                                                         n ine pensive way to    the ma ority of   C
       Product must circulate through the system to be effective.                  systems leaks.
       Wurth Leak Sealant will begin working within 1-2 hours of normal A/C operation to stop leaks at seals,       ble to discover larger   C leaks with
       gaskets, o-rings and hoses. The     dye in this product is intended to help discover leaks in evaporators        uorescent green  dye.
       and condensers, or major leaks in other components.                           Product will not crystallise, gel up or set hard.

                                                                                 Introduction Pack
                                                                                 4-in-1 A/C Leak Sealant
                                                                                 Contents         Art. No.     Pack
                                                                                 6 x 4-in-1 A/C Leak
                                                                                 Sealant with U/V Dye,
                                                                                 1 x Quick Connect   5966 113 046 1
                                                                                 Adaptor Hose,
                                                                                 1 x Superbright U/V
     AUS. pub. 01/14 ©                                                           Partner Products:

                                                                                 U/V Light
                                                                                 Adaptor Hose

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