Page 269 - Wurth Total Catalogue
P. 269


         1.                               2.                                       Quality sponges that are gentle on

                                                                                 •   Promotes formation of foam.
                                                                                 •   Actively absorbent.
                                                                                 •   Permanently elastic.

        Description      Dimensions          Fig.   Art. No.         Pack Qty.
        Car Sponge       170.5 x 120 x 60 mm  1     0899 700 400     1/5
        Combination Sponge  140 x 90 x 60 mm  2     0899 700 410     1/10


                                                                                 Highly effective microfibre glove for
                                                                                 deep-cleaning tasks in the automotive,
                                                                                   caravan and household fields.

                                                                                 Large cleaning surface.
                                                                                 •  Fast cleaning.
                                                                                 •  Two cleaning sides.

                                                                                 “Microfibre fringes“.
                                                                                 •   25 times more cleaning surface than
                                                                                    conventional microfibre cloths.
                                                                                 •  Cleans deeply.
                                                                                 •  Cleans gently.

                                                                                 Does not stir up dust.
                                                                                 Suitable for people with allergies.

                                                                                 •   For use in a wide variety of applications both
                                                                                    indoors and outdoors.
                                                                                 •  Excellent quality.
                                                                                 •  Long life.

                                             Colour    Art. No.       Pack Qty.
        Applications                                                             Glove is easy to clean.
        Used for gentle cleaning of any surface, e.g. in   Light Green  0899 710 005  1  •  Cleaned by hand.
        the automotive, caravan, boat and household                              •   Can also be cleaned in a washing machine
        fields. Thanks to the approx. 2.5 cm long                                   at up to 60°C (in a mesh laundry bag and
        “microfibre fringes” covering the entire surface   Use                      without softener).
        of the glove, thorough, deep cleaning of hard   A cleaning agent is not required for cleaning with
        to reach areas (e.g. spaces in wheels/rims), in   the glove. All you need to do is wet the glove with   Technical Data
        addition to rough and smooth surface cleaning,    water to achieve optimum results. This is because   Dimensions  18 x 23 cm
        is possible. The XXL glove does not leave streaks   the glove attracts negatively-charged dust   Cleaning Area  30 x 30 cm
        on surfaces.                         particles like a magnet thanks to the positively-
                                             charged microfibres.                 Weight       145 g
      AUS. pub. 03/17 ©  Since dust is not stirred up during use (in fact, it   intensified by using a Würth cleaning agent as
                                                                                               100% Chenille Microfibre
                                             With coarse soiling, the cleaning effect can be
        is trapped inside), the glove can comfortably be
        used by those with allergies.
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