Page 34 - The 10 Most Innovative Startups in Pune 2019
P. 34

Touchwood                                                        An Innovative & One-Stop

       Automation                                                     Shop for High-end Quality

                                                                            Electronic Products &


              ouchwood Automations           to grow. Thus, with the mission      traders last. Today, our operations
              is a Home & Building           of educating people and allowing     are involved online and offline, our
        Tautomation company. We              them to feel & enjoy the amazing     services are offered across the globe
        offer a complete automation in all   experiences provided by these        and our solutions are adapted by a
        the electrical & electronic appliances  systems; Tanmay started the new   strong network of 25+ dealers and
        used in homes and buildings. We      venture of Touchwood Automations.    integrators across the country.
        have joint ventured with some of the   And since then, the team of
        big & established brands.            Touchwood continues to be known      Principal Dreamer of Touchwood
        We also offer hi-end or imported     for educating and sharing maximum    Automations
        music systems and home theatre       knowledge about any hi-fidelity      Tanmay Mehta is the founder
        systems. Our ultimate aim is to offer   electronic system and products to   director and the chief strategist
        quality and luxury to our customers   their customers.                    of Touchwood Automations. He
        by making them control their entire                                       is BE Production by education, a
        house on a smartphone or tablets.    From online to offline services, from   Professional Speaker delivering
                                             multimedia to high-end audio video,
        Touchwood‘s Story                    from security to automation systems,   seminars on entrepreneurship at
                                             from remote controlled to voice      various educational institutions like
        Founded by Tanmay Mehta,             assistant devices, Touchwood today   SP Jain Mumbai, DY Patil Pune,
        Touchwood Automations started        can guide you with a wide array of   MIT Pune, to name a few, and an
        their operations in May 2013.        services. Our vision is to pioneer
        Tanmay always had a keen interest    the field of technology for high end   •  Founded in: 2013
        in Electronics and liked to unfold the   electronic products and solutions and
        technology of cool gadgets used for   that’s why Tanmay, as the principal   •  Founding Members: Tanmay
        entertainment. Friends and guests    director also continues to educate    Mehta
        alike had rarely seen such impressive   the creators of modern spaces so that   •  Office Locations: Pune,
        technology for homes and thus        they can incorporate the technology   Maharashtra
        sought guidance from Tanmay to       in their designs and architecture.    •  Company Strength: 50-11
        help them with accessorizing their
        homes. It was during this period,    Touchwood believes they are a team    employees
        that he realized such products were   of dreamers, designers and doers,    •  Industry: Architecture &
        viewed as a luxurious possession     and any learning opportunity is       Planning
        yet the awareness was very less      never missed by their team to grow    •  Website: www.
        amongst people and the market was    and flourish themselves as experts
        still in its nascent stages and raring   first, installers/designers second and

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