Page 4 - The 10 Most Innovative Startups in Pune 2019
P. 4


                                                                             he ‘Golden Age’ for start-ups in
                                                                             India has well and truly arrived,
                                                                       Tand India is witnessing its age
                                                                       old talent for entrepreneurship being
                                                                       unleashed like never before. New
                                                                       ideas are exploding into business
                                                                       models and investors are all lining
                                                                       up to provide the requisite finance
                                                                       and mentoring, to take the start-up
                                                                       to the next round of funding and
                                                                       higher valuations.
                                                                       India today is replete with examples
                                                                       of successful start-ups that have
                                                                       seen valuations ballooning within first
                                                                       five years of operation. Names like
                                                                       Make My Trip,, Shaadi.
                                                                       com, Just Dial, are all success
                                                                       stories that have survived and grown
                                                                       from the last internet boom, at the
                                                                       beginning of the Millennium.
                                                                       Success stories of businesses that
                                                                       have grown over the last 5-8 years
                                                                       in India are Flipkart, Snapdeal and
                                                                       Myntra – all e-commerce companies,
                                                                       Paytm in payment processing,
                                                                       Red Bus in travel, Olacabs in taxi
                                                                       aggregation, Book My Show in
                                                                       entertainment, and in
                                                                       real estate. The list is long with
          THE RISE OF THE                                              more companies being launched
                                                                       each month.
          START-UPS IN                                                 Indian start-ups are witnessing
                                                                       unprecedented valuations unheard
          INDIA AND THEIR                                              of earlier, but then the potential
                                                                       for business expansion within India
          SUCCESS                                                      alone is so significant that any
                                                                       serious investor cannot afford to
                                                                       ignore the India growth story.
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