Page 5 - The 10 Most Promising 3D Printing Service Providers 2019
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to manufacture these products completely with 3D printers only. Now 3D printers are cheaper and more
efficient than in the past, and a switch to another manufacturing method can be done.
A Perfect Solution
3D printing is a very valuable technology because it can nearly solve the problem of product’s
transportation. The real example is that even now it is possible to download data of some things, parts, or
products, modify them with special software, and print them with a desktop 3D printer. Such technology is
very valuable and beneficial, as it can help save time and money. This is just simple evidence, which clearly
demonstrates a potential of 3D printing.
Uniqueness of the Technology
The technology of 3D printing allows manufacturing products of a very intricate structure, which “are
impossible to be built in any other way”. In this way, it is possible to create moving components, hinges, or
parts inside parts, which could have been created only with manual labour. Technology Implementation
3D printing can also be used in many industries, as it opens new perspectives of creating highly-detailed
things. The technology is already used in jewellery, architecture, engineering, footwear, aerospace,
education, industrial design, automotive, geographic information systems, civil engineering, and many
others fields.
About this Issue
Swiftnlift lists ten 3D Printing Service Providers which are making their mark in the business industry today
under our special issue ‘The 10 Most Promising 3D Printing Service Providers 2019’.
The journey of our magazine begins with Cover story; Wipro 3D which is a leading provider of metal
additive manufacturing solutions and services to the aerospace, space, defence, industrial & tooling, heavy
engineering, healthcare, automotive, and nuclear sectors.
We have featured ‘The Company of the Month’ - Swamy tech, a technology oriented company brining the
best and newest tech in the field of manufacturing.
We have introduced profiles of Global3DHub, iamRapid, Imaginarium, Incredible AM Pvt. Ltd, Novabeans,
printOmake, Sahas Softech and think3d.
We have also encompassed the expert’s outlook ‘Medical, Dental 3d Printing New Context - New Paradigm’
by Dr. Bharat M. Mody (3D Printing pioneer)
Our in-house editors have come up with some adroitly written articles such as – ‘5 Innovations In 3D
Printing’ and ‘Challenges in 3d Printing Industry’.
So flip through the delightful pages of our magazine and experience the advancement of technology in 3D
Pallavi Sabe